Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Knoc County Republican Committee meeting of 10/09/2012

Last night the Knox County Republican Committee had a meeting that included Michael Collins, Jethro Pease, Carole Gartley, Les Fossel, Bob Carter, Chris Rector and Bruce Poliquin – Maine's State Treasurer.

The meeting started with Bruce who was articulate, engaging and funny. He also laid out what was on the line for the candidates running for office. Bruce’s speech lasted almost 30 minutes in which he covered a wide range of issues that concern Maine's citizens.

Bruce gave encouragement to those that attended the meeting by saying “Look at all of these signs... everybody look at what you've done” and pointed out all of the signs and work that the volunteers have done for the Republican party in Knox County.

He asked the audience “Who saw Obama get nailed” which brought a lot of applause from those attending.

Bruce also pointed out that “things are changing in this state.. the reasons things are changing is because we are doing it differently from the characters in DC”. He went on to point out what everyone knows what the problems and issues are. Everyone knows that our government is too big. What happens with big government? Bruce went on to explain that government will have to charge a fortune in taxes and fees to pay for things. The issue is that in doing so we draw business investment away, jobs are drawn away and out kids end up leaving. What is left? Nothing but a series of fiscal calamities. Greece is a prime example of this very reality.

Bruce Poliquin went on and discussed the National debt as being a 600 lb Gorilla. When the interest rates start to go up we will be saddled with a spike in interest payments. The Gorilla is a beast that is in need of being tamed. To tame this beast is going to require reform. Can reform be done? As Bruce pointed out – yes it can – and he gave an example right here in Maine where government has been able to eliminate 41% of the pension debt. 41%.

What would happen if this mess was fixed? A renaissance. Our country would go through a renaissance where business investment and employment would come together. Investing in business makes them grow, business expands, more people are hired and incomes go up. This idea makes sense and the enthusiasm as displayed by the crowd was resounding.

One of the major points that Bruce Poliquin was making was that in the last few years we have turned this state around. Maine is spending less and borrowing less according to Bruce. There is fiscal responsibility that is being introduced to the state on a level that has not been seen for decades. Supporting the Republican candidates in Maine come November 6 will ensure that Maine continues down the path of fiscal responsibility and that what we have gained will not be lost.

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