Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Knox Country Republican Committee is looking for a few Good Candidates

The Knox County Republican Committee are interviewing candidates for the 2014 election cycle.  A strong desire to serve and an ability to interact with a wide range of people are two of the most important skills required.  We have reason to believe that a few shifts will be taking place within current leadership in Knox County and that will open up some significant opportunity.  A few individuals have expressed interest and we are aggressively currently recruiting for the following Districts :

(numbers reflect the recent re redistricting)

House District 94  Camden, Rockport and Islesboro

House District 93   Owls Head and Rockland

House District 92   Criehaven, Cushing, Matinicus Isle, Mussell Ridge , So. Thomaston, St. George and Thomaston

House District 91   Friendship, Union (part), Washington and Waldoboro

House District 95   Appleton, Hope, Union (part) and Warren

Senate District 12   Appleton, Camden, Criehaven, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Isle Au Haut, Matinicus Isle, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockport, So. Thomaston, St. George, Thomaston, Union, Vinalhaven and Warren

Campaigning is a serious undertaking and as an experienced County Committee we are prepared to inform, support and assist you in exploring the possibility of running for an elected position.  Getting a Republican majority back in Augusta is critical for our Governor Paul LePage to more effectively continue the progress that has been made in Augusta and throughout our great State.

If you wish to learn more about becoming a candidate please contact Chairman Bob Carter or Vice Chair Paula G. Sutton at knoxcountymegop@gmail.com or (207) 380 -3406

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An invitation to the Knox County Republican meeting - Tuesday November 12, 2013

Please join the Knox County Republicans at their scheduled meeting (normally the second Tuesday of each month) on Tuesday November 12 at The Trade Winds in Rockland. Our meetings are held in the fifth floor meeting room, with a social time beginning at 6:30 providing a casual atmosphere for people to meet and enjoy a meal of Shepard’s Pie, Pumpkin rolls and hot coffee. This month’s agenda will have Bob Carter providing important information related to our strategy and event calendar for 2014.

For more information visit the Knox County Republican Party website


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is 58 too old to realize you're Gay?

The "Michaud disclosure" of the last two days has predictably set off a media "firestorm", which is due to run its course over the next week or so before it burns out.  At the moment appears to be using up all of the political "oxygen" in the room, and Governor LePage's announcement of his candidacy is apt to be partially eclipsed by the public, political and media rush to vocalize their greater degree of  enlightenment than everyone else.

But ... we would say, wait a minute. Michaud is really only making  a partial disclosure. Gay sex comes in many varied forms.  The so called, "Michaud disclosure" leaves unanswered a good many potentially troubling questions: 

(a) Why choose to disclose his "gay identity" just now?
(b) Since Michaud reports in the Portland Press Herald that he has no regular known partner what is the nature of his "gay sex outlet": casual pick-ups, under-age boys, public men's room encounters, male prostitutes or other types of "outlets" which might be able to compromise his political integrity? 

Is the rush to disclose, because he is being threatened with blackmail or some form of legal/police action?  At the moment, we simply don't know.  No one is addressing these serious questions.

Before we all join the emerging rally, marveling at "his courage, his honesty, his integrity", let's have a few facts.  Is courage at play, or is it lawyers and public relations "mavins" trying to forestall something less admirable than "courage", etc?

Our suggestion would be to let the firestorm burn down a bit more, before seeking answers.  And ... let others ask the questions.  Any "off color" answers are not apt stay buried for long.  And ... by all means, remember, the worst case scenario, would be for Michaud to drop out of the race, leaving Eliot Cutler as the only opponent!!  A wounded opponent still maintains the three way split.