Monday, December 16, 2013

Saturday Night Live: A Series of Unfortunate Events – for Obama


The following is an adress of the President of the United States – the controvery surrounding the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Feeling like Lemony Snicket and a Series of Unfortunate Events. Michelle Obama was upset. Shaking hands with the Cuban President and finally there was the sign language interpreter…….

SNL does a great job.

The video: NBC

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tax Free Zone Proposed for Washington County


An initiative proposed by Maine Heritage Policy Center and being evaluated by Gov. Paul LePage's administration is calling for a tax free zone in Maine's poorest county - Washington county. Where residents and businesses would stop paying not only state income taxes but any sales tax. This would go on until economic conditions reached a state wide average. This level would have to maintain for three years.

Maine Heritage Policy Center sees this as having the potential for an economic boom for the area and for the state. There are detractors both in Washington county and the state that say the county is pulling itself up by its bootstraps now and that there is alternative motives behind the recommendations. That Maine Heritage is looking out for big business and not the common person.

The idea is that the tax burden that Mainers bear overall is preventing economic development where it matters most. By correcting where the economics is worse in the state it will only benefit the state as a whole. This program would expand from Washington county to Aroostook county when Aroostook moves into last place. This would continue to spread to other counties so that eventually the whole state would be a tax free haven.

There are many - the article points out - that feel the economy in Washington county is rebuilding itself because of grassroots efforts by local businesses and government. This off of a very limited economy that relies on land, wood, fishing, blueberries and the arts to name a few.

Some of the detractors state that buying $50 in clothing at the store would only save $3 in sales tax but it will not do much for the average citizen over any amount of time.

RepubliCAN of Maine would take exception with this statement. Any relief should be welcomed and what is being proposed goes beyond just the relief one would get from everyday purchases at the store. In the poorest county of the state the extra money in the pocket can be put back into the local economy or personal savings. It does not stop there. What the article does not expand on is the fact that local residents will no longer be paying state income taxes. Creating a tax free zone that would benefit not only those living within Washington county but also those in New Brunswick Canada, and surrounding counties of Maine to purchase goods and services tax free. In other words the effect would be far reaching beyond just Washington county. With an increase of sales to current businesses will bring an influx of businesses and jobs to the area offering Washington county a diversity and variety of services that it has not seen in its long history.

Will a tax free zone solve all of the problems facing Washington county... probably not. It will offer opportunity to the area that could potentially uplift the area and offer a diversity and stability not currently seen. What does Washington county have to loose from this experiment - nothing but taxes and that can only be seen as a good thing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Gov Paul LePage - Maine Receives Good News

Business Insider magazine declared Maine’s economy as “booming” on Friday following the release of new Federal data. Maine’s economy is doing better than any other state in New England and better than most of the nation measured over the last three months.

Ten days ago newly released unemployment rate figures indicate Maine has its lowest rate of unemployment since 2008. The jobs picture is continuing to improve.

Governor LePage announced Maine employers would see a full $30 million of savings that can be put back into the state’s economy because raising employment was lowing unemployment tax insurance rates to their lowest levels since 2009.

Maine’s economy is improving because of the pro-jobs reforms instituted by Governor LePage.

The first three years of private-sector job growth under Governor LePage were the best three years Maine has had in over a decade.

These achievements are remarkable when you think about the fact that under Governor Baldacci for some time Maine had a higher unemployment rate than the national average.

Now we must deliver this news to the people of Maine.

People complain the only news they get on the Governor is negative.

It has become clear the only way to ensure the people of Maine hear this good news is for the Governor’s campaign to deliver it.

The campaign must deliver this good news, and more of the Governor’s positive accomplishments, directly to the voters.

The campaign faces a major deadline in just a few short days. The end of December is a campaign finance deadline.

To ensure the people of Maine can learn about these positive accomplishments is it critical the Governor’s campaign has the resources necessary to deliver the message.

If you believe cutting red tape is a better way to create jobs rather than regulations which go above and beyond the national average – then the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you.

If you believe cutting taxes encourages Maine people to spend more to grow the economy and incentivizes job creating businesses to move here and help Maine prosper – the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you.

If you believe private sector jobs, and small business growth, are more essential to a thriving economy as opposed to just increasing the size of government bureaucracy – the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you..

Help get the message out. Support the Governor here today.

Thank you.


Brent Littlefield
Senior Political Adviser to the Governor

Thursday, December 5, 2013

International Jobs Come to Maine - Gov. Paul LePage

More jobs are coming to Maine as a result of climate change and the hard work that Gov. Paul LePage has done with an Icelandic shipping company. This is a huge win for the state because of its strategic location and is the only port of call for this international company - Eimskip. So important is the state that back in May the President Olafur Ragnar Grimmson of Iceland made a personal trip to Maine and spoke in South Portland about newly opened shipping lanes and how they would benefit Maine.

Gov, Paul LePage echoed those comments.

While the jobs are welcome to Maine - politics are creeping in to spoil what should be celebrated. Michael Michaud feels it is better to criticize Gov. LePage for a choice of words. Is Michaud really for people or politics? Gov LePage has been working for Maine - what has Michaud done for the state?

Actions Speak Louder than Words. Follow Gov LePage on Facebook.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Harry Reid staffers exempt from Obamacare exchanges

So while many government staffers are being asked by their bosses to sign up through the Obama exchanges - there are those who work for Senator Harry Reid who will be exempt from using the Obama exchanges. While it is true that our representatives have the option to exempt their staff - Senator Harry Reid is the only one... only one to exercise that right. GOP House Speaker John Boehner - a staunch opponent of Obama Care has directed his staff to sign up.

If the exchanges are good enough for the American public then it should be more than adequate for Federal employees - including Senator Harry Reid and his staff.


Washington (CNN) -- Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, one of Obamacare's architects and staunchest supporters, is also the only top congressional leader to exempt some of his staff from having to buy insurance through the law's new exchanges.

Reid is the exception among the other top congressional leaders. GOP House Speaker John Boehner, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have all directed their staffs to join the exchange, their aides said.

Full story and video: CNN

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is LePage waging 'war on poor' as Alfond claims? No he is not.

Big savings for Maine. Governor LePage's plan to move regional DHHS welfare and Labor offices together in South Portland will save Maine taxpayers $14 million. A job center will be placed in the same building as welfare - proving a direct link for people to move from welfare to work. Some like Senate President Justin Alfond are attacking these efforts to protect taxpayers and reform welfare. To prove how difficult the move may be for the poor - Senator Justin Alfond rode the Portland METRO for probably the first time ever to where the new DHHS will be.

The idea is not to rip the rug out from underneath a person in need. It is to give a hand up and not a hand out. The new site will house not only services for Maine's poorest but also resources for finding gainful employment. One stop shopping for those in need.

While Senator Justin Alfond would like Maine's public to believe the LePage administration is making things purposely harder for Maine's neediest. The fact is that Maine's tax payers have a right to fiscally responsible spending that LePage has brought during his time in office. LePage is not the monster that Democrats would like us to believe.

Portland METRO by the way has indicated they would "work with whatever happens". A METRO representative said there is plenty of time for the state to work out the perceived issues that Senator Alfond has raised.

Watch the video response by Gov. Paul LePage released on 12/03/2013

For up to date information on Governor Paul LePage find him on Facebook.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Federal Reserves - Gov Paul LePage has brought growth to Maine

The coincident indexes combine four state level indicators to summarize the current economic conditions as a single statistic. The four variables are nonfarm payroll employment, average hours worked in manufacturing, unemployment rate and wage and salary disbursements.

Maine was recently in the Red as were most states back in 2009 as can be seen in the Map below.

Since that time Maine has had a turn around. In 2010 Maine said enough of the economic policies of the past that had kept the state down. Governor Paul LePage was elected and the rest has been economic history. Having a businessman in office has helped the state thrive and Maine is one of the few states leading the nation with economic growth. Actions do Speak Louder than Words.

To find out more about Gov Paul LePage and the way he has been turning around the state - like him on Facebook or find him on the web at LePage2014.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Knox Country Republican Committee is looking for a few Good Candidates

The Knox County Republican Committee are interviewing candidates for the 2014 election cycle.  A strong desire to serve and an ability to interact with a wide range of people are two of the most important skills required.  We have reason to believe that a few shifts will be taking place within current leadership in Knox County and that will open up some significant opportunity.  A few individuals have expressed interest and we are aggressively currently recruiting for the following Districts :

(numbers reflect the recent re redistricting)

House District 94  Camden, Rockport and Islesboro

House District 93   Owls Head and Rockland

House District 92   Criehaven, Cushing, Matinicus Isle, Mussell Ridge , So. Thomaston, St. George and Thomaston

House District 91   Friendship, Union (part), Washington and Waldoboro

House District 95   Appleton, Hope, Union (part) and Warren

Senate District 12   Appleton, Camden, Criehaven, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Isle Au Haut, Matinicus Isle, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockport, So. Thomaston, St. George, Thomaston, Union, Vinalhaven and Warren

Campaigning is a serious undertaking and as an experienced County Committee we are prepared to inform, support and assist you in exploring the possibility of running for an elected position.  Getting a Republican majority back in Augusta is critical for our Governor Paul LePage to more effectively continue the progress that has been made in Augusta and throughout our great State.

If you wish to learn more about becoming a candidate please contact Chairman Bob Carter or Vice Chair Paula G. Sutton at or (207) 380 -3406

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An invitation to the Knox County Republican meeting - Tuesday November 12, 2013

Please join the Knox County Republicans at their scheduled meeting (normally the second Tuesday of each month) on Tuesday November 12 at The Trade Winds in Rockland. Our meetings are held in the fifth floor meeting room, with a social time beginning at 6:30 providing a casual atmosphere for people to meet and enjoy a meal of Shepard’s Pie, Pumpkin rolls and hot coffee. This month’s agenda will have Bob Carter providing important information related to our strategy and event calendar for 2014.

For more information visit the Knox County Republican Party website


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is 58 too old to realize you're Gay?

The "Michaud disclosure" of the last two days has predictably set off a media "firestorm", which is due to run its course over the next week or so before it burns out.  At the moment appears to be using up all of the political "oxygen" in the room, and Governor LePage's announcement of his candidacy is apt to be partially eclipsed by the public, political and media rush to vocalize their greater degree of  enlightenment than everyone else.

But ... we would say, wait a minute. Michaud is really only making  a partial disclosure. Gay sex comes in many varied forms.  The so called, "Michaud disclosure" leaves unanswered a good many potentially troubling questions: 

(a) Why choose to disclose his "gay identity" just now?
(b) Since Michaud reports in the Portland Press Herald that he has no regular known partner what is the nature of his "gay sex outlet": casual pick-ups, under-age boys, public men's room encounters, male prostitutes or other types of "outlets" which might be able to compromise his political integrity? 

Is the rush to disclose, because he is being threatened with blackmail or some form of legal/police action?  At the moment, we simply don't know.  No one is addressing these serious questions.

Before we all join the emerging rally, marveling at "his courage, his honesty, his integrity", let's have a few facts.  Is courage at play, or is it lawyers and public relations "mavins" trying to forestall something less admirable than "courage", etc?

Our suggestion would be to let the firestorm burn down a bit more, before seeking answers.  And ... let others ask the questions.  Any "off color" answers are not apt stay buried for long.  And ... by all means, remember, the worst case scenario, would be for Michaud to drop out of the race, leaving Eliot Cutler as the only opponent!!  A wounded opponent still maintains the three way split.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Give me the numbers! Or does the administration really know what is going on?

OK, OK, I know. I've been hammering on the first big lie we were told about the health care program: "You can keep your plan." Now that the plan has been "implemented" and we know the POTUS lied to us, let's move on to Lie #2, shall we?? What fun!

Lie #2: "We won't know until mid-November how many people have signed up."


Here's why, and I will try to 'splain in simple terms, without getting too technical:

When you are at a web site where you "sign up" for anything (healthcare, free membership, a contest, a survey...virtually anything you have to "sign up" for), then you, a real person, become a "record" in a database.

In ALL database programs (with zero exception), a fundamental concept in database management and the FIRST THING any database reveals is....get many records (i.e. how many people) there are in the database!! There is NO WAY TO NOT KNOW THIS. I could stop right here, but I will explain.

Let's give the feds the benefit of the doubt. Let's assume that the 36 states who started exchanges also need to feed that information to the feds, which could slow things down a little, but we would be talking about a lag time of hours to possibly one day.

Each state will have its own person on staff called a "database administrator" (db admin). Even if these individual db admins all have to report separately, still no big deal. The federal db admin sends one group email to the state db admins and says, "I need your figures tomorrow." Each state db admin, in approximately one minute of logging on to his or her computer, can have that information and email it to the fed db admin.

On the fed's end, once every state has reported, a lowly clerk with an adding machine adds those reported numbers together, and presto! They have a total.

Actually, they probably are using a "dashboard" to keep this information in real-time. A dashboard in a business or in a government program is similar to the gauges on your car's dashboard. The same as your car tracks mph and/or rpm and other "performance" factors, a dashboard in a business or government program might follow a dozen or more metrics. For example, it might track how many people visited the site, how long they were at the site, how many people created an account, how many signed up for insurance, etc. etc.

Now, I would be disappointed if I learned that the feds spent $93 million with CGI (the company that built the site) on a website that did not include a dashboard. However, I don't think I would be totally surprised, either.

Soooo, with a dashboard, they know all this information instantly in real- time. Without a dashboard, and even with all states reporting separately, the compiled information is always going to be less than 24 hours away from being available.

I'm sorry to break the news to you, cupcake, but they are lying to you. Again.


This was originally written by Pierre Briere to find out more on him - see what he has to say on Facebook.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

November 5, 2013 Governor Paul LePage has a major announcement

Keep Tuesday November 5, 2013 open for an important announcement from Paul LePage. Like the governor on Facebook for up to date information and announcements.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Governor Paul LePage says no to Federal Money Maine cannot afford

Governor Paul LePage was pressured into accepting federal money for Maine's poor. In the past Augusta would accept the "free" money from the federal government to fund programs that this state would be responsible for and have to raise taxes for. Paul LePage refuses to fall into this trap and leave a legacy of underfunded programs for the people of Maine. Living within the means of the state is an honorable goal to achieve.

From Governor LePage's weekly radio address: "I will say it again: With a national debt of 17 trillion dollars and permanent gridlock in Washington, D.C., we cannot depend on federal money to pay for Maine government. We must learn to live within our means."

Support Governor Paul LePage - like him on Facebook and show support for the Governor - the People's Politician.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lunch with the Governor - Paul LePage - the people's politician

This past Sunday (2013-10-20) afternoon well over 100 people gathered at the Tradewinds ChowderHouse and Speakeasy to mingle with Governor Paul LePage and enjoy each other’s company, and a delicious dinner. In addition to many of the “usual” attendees there were nearly a dozen new faces in the crowd. The early reception was held downstairs in the “Speakeasy” which will be open to the public next month and will feature MoTown music and live entertainment. The Governor leisurely chatted with us and blended in as just another person. Of Course that’s part of the reason why we love him; he is just a regular man. LePage is a people’s politician not a polished politician.

Then we all went to the main dining area where we listened to the Governor speak for 30 minutes on a variety of topics including the recent incident where the federal government closed the Cobscook Bay State Park. Governor LePage took action for the people of Maine and had it reopened due to a long standing agreement that has been in place since 1965. He also spoke to the fact that he wanted more Mainers off foreign oil and used the Province of Quebec as an example of affordable electric energy. In Quebec 92% of the population uses electricity to power their homes. The average heating cost in the winter is $100.00 per month. LePage expressed his frustration that the legislature has not been willing to work at reducing the cost of energy for the citizens of Maine. One bright point is that the governors of Massachusetts and Connecticut recognize what Governor LePage has been saying for years. That Maine, New England should look north to Quebec for inexpensive energy. Jobs were another subject that the governor spoke to the crowd about. During his tenure there has been over 12,000 jobs created. These jobs are in areas that are economically depressed for the state. These jobs created are in contrast to the 56 created under the previous administration.

Governor Paul LePage took several questions from the audience and was thorough in his answers . The questions were hard hitting but dear to the hearts of many Mainers. The Governor answered each with grace and integrity that one would expect and did so in a way that all could relate to. When the meal was served he did not even eat, rather choosing to visit each table in the room shaking hands and posing for photographs.

Nearly $2000.00 was raised at the dinner and when added to the $5400.00 from the yard sale last week we are most certain to reach our fundraising goal for next year’s election cycle. A donation is going to be sent to Governor LePages reelection campaign form the Knox county Republicans as a measure of our gratitude and support . Thank you to all who attended, sponsored tickets, and to Bob Liberty at the Tradewinds, and Kevin and Cathy Labree as well as the staff at the ChowderHouse.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Make DC Listen

On C-Span2 Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is talking about de-funding ObamaCare. He has been on since 2:41 pm today with minor interruptions for questions. It is 10:15 pm (7.5 hrs later) and he is still going strong.

At one point Dick Durbin (D-IL) posed questions to Sen Ted Cruz about his stand on Obamacare. Without blinking an eye Sen Cruz shot back whether or not Dick Durbin was willing to go on ObamaCare. Sen Durbin danced around answering the question. The point is that he wouldn't take ObamaCare. Sen Durbin would not commit to answering whether he would support putting everyone who is exempt - the Senate, Congress, federal employees and union members to name a few.

8 million people and counting who are exempt.

Will ObamaCare make health care more affordable? That is hard to say. What ObamaCare is doing though is unifying both sides of the aisle to de-fund this program. Make your voice heard - call or write your representatives.

Pingree, Chellie   202-225-6116   email 

Michaud, Michael   202-225-6306   email

Collins, Susan M.   202-224-2523   email

King, Angus S., Jr.   202-224-5344   email

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Knox County Republicans looking for you! To walk the LosterFest Parade Aug 3

9 am at Oceanside High School 400 Broadway, Rockland, ME 04841

Come join the Knox County RepubliCANs walk the Lobsterfest Parade. The parade starts at 10AM at the top of North Main Street and heads south on Main Street to end at the Main Gate of the festival. We meet at Oceanside High School at 9am.

We get questions from people especially teenagers and people in their early 20's as to what the Republican party stands for and what beliefs are core to the party.

The Republican party is the party of civil rights having the country come to the realization that slavery was wrong, ending slavery and passing the 1964 Civil rights bill which is a continuation of Republican Senator Charles Sumner’s 1875 Civil Rights Act.

The Republicans also want less taxes, less regulation, less government control of your life and more personal freedom.

Our position on The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the culmination of centuries of hard-won experience. Each block in the foundation of liberty gave us greater protections of our rights.

We are recruiting help in the decorating of our float as soon as possible and a confirmation of your walking with us Saturday!  Please call Paula Sutton at 380-3406 for more information and how you can help!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

George H.W. Bush bald?

What could be images that define 2013 - George Bush poses bald holding a 2 year old in one image and posing with the secret service in another.

George Bush acting in solidarity with a two year old who is a leukemia patient is gaining praise throughout the world. Leukemia is of special interest to George Sr and Barbara who lost their daughter to the disease in 1953.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Obamacare: Praying That Hollywood Can Bring Success

Because there is such resistance to Obama care the White House is turning to Hollywood to help sell Nationalized Health Care to the American public. Why because this country's youth who are needed to balance off and offset America's mature population. So as a young person the White House is asking that you pay rates that are higher than the penalty. Really..... Is the White House being realistic or are they off base? You decide....


The Obama administration’s thirst to attract young Americans to the health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act, meant to bring coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, is well documented.

Because this demographic is cheap to insure, the Obama administration needs to convince young people to sign up for insurance on the superstore-like exchanges this October in order to balance out the older and sicker patients who are more likely to sign up for health insurance as soon as possible. The correspondingly larger insurance premiums paid by the young cover the big bills for the relatively small number of sick people. According to estimates made by the Obama administration, approximately 7 million people will sign up for coverage via the exchanges in 2014, and about 2.7 million of those enrollees need to be young, cheap-to-insure Americans for the system to work.

Full story: CheatSheet

Friday, July 5, 2013

Transgender first-grader wins the right to use girls' restroom


While there are plenty of people who have to find themselves it usually takes years to do so. People mature and go through changes before they settle on an identity. A child in the first grade has not lived life enough to know or realize his/ her identity. Especially whether or not he/ she identifies with the other sex to want to change.

This case brings all sorts of issues that the school, students and parents are now forced to deal with. It is a forced equality coming from the ‘parents’ of a child they have what appears to be little or no control over. This boy has control over his parents. What is going to happen to him as he ages? Is he really ready to transform from boy to girl? What of the other students that now have to share the bathroom with this boy – wanna be girl? What of their rights?

What we have here is a very small minority imposing their will on the majority.How confusing is this for children that are now dealing with this? Could this be considered child abuse – not only of this little confused boy but also of the children who go to school with him?

We encourage you to comment:

(CNN) -- A transgender first-grader who was born a boy but identifies as a girl has won the right to use the girls' restroom at her Colorado school.

The Colorado Rights Division ruled in favor of Coy Mathis in her fight against the Fountain-Fort Carson School District.

Coy's parents had taken her case to the commission after the district said she could no longer use the girls' bathroom at Eagleside Elementary. In issuing its decision, the state's rights division said keeping the ban in place "creates an environment that is objectively and subjectively hostile, intimidating or offensive."

Full story: CNN

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Richmond Dominates Again for Democrats - CQ Roll Call Congressional Baseball

Let us hope that this lop-sided score is no indication of what is to come in the future. Enjoy.

Roll Call|Heard on the Hill

House Democrats may not be able to reclaim the majority for another decade because of redistricting, but for as long as Rep. Cedric L. Richmond, D-La., is an elected official, they’re certain to reign supreme on the baseball diamond.

Richmond, donning an old-school Brooklyn Dodgers No. 42 jersey in honor of the late Jackie Robinson, dominated the game, pitching 7 shutout innings, notching 4 hits and driving in 2 runs, to lead the Democrats to the most lopsided win in 52 years of CQ Roll Call Congressional Baseball, 22-0. The Louisiana Democrat told teammates and reporters he was sick before the game. Yet he recorded a Michael-Jordan-in-Game-Five-Of-The-1997-NBA-Finals-like performance, making everyone else on the field look like the out-of-shape congressional amateurs that they are.

Full story: Heard on the Hill

Related stories:

Could GOP Turn to Texas for Pitching Help?
Most Valuable Member of Congress?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the American Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."

Henry Ford

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Loss of Economic Freedom in Maine, in the US

Economic Freedom – what is it based on? What are the indicators? The monthly meeting of the Knox County Republican Party discussed what economic freedom meant. Carol Weston was the speaker and representative from Americans For Prosperity (AFP). During this discussion Carol pointed out that economic freedom is measure by the following:

  1. The size of the government – policies that grow our government take away our freedom away. The more money goes to fund the Federal and state governments mean that there is less for our families.
  2. Regulation that comes about with the increased size of government – as our Federal and State governments grow more regulation is created to justify the increased size and cost. This leaves less for our families to survive on.
  3. Having a Sound Currency (Sound Money) – when our government is printing money at the rate it has been our currency becomes devalued. It becomes less sound.
  4. Being able to trade with whomever brings about benefits for our national and local economies. Regulation will restrict what we can trade and limit opportunities and job growth.
  5. Then there is the rule of law. Without a sound Judicial and court system. Without a process of a fair trail (for instance) there is a lack of a rule of law that diminishes the economic freedom we supposedly enjoy.

In 1999 the United States ranked number 5 in economic freedom. In 2012 the United States had fallen to 18 – behind such countries as Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, Qatar and the United Kingdom. The ability of our families to do better is being crippled by the bureaucracy surrounding us. There is less that we are able to do. Yet we are being asked to do more. We are told that the rich should be taxed more and that tax breaks should be taken away from them. Yet taxing those that make more than $1 million a year at a rate of 129% still would not close the gap and would only manage to run the government for a couple of weeks. No one wants the poor or down trodden to suffer. No one – not Republicans not Democrats. Neither do we want to lose the freedom we have – to make our own choices and not have others make them for us. Yet our economic freedom is quickly eroding away.

Carol Weston was engaging and mesmerizing in the message she delivered. Yet that same message was one of concern. Concern with the policies that our various levels of government are enacting are hurting the people. This hurt is at every level – rich, poor, families and single people. The economic freedom that is being stripped away hurts everyone and no one gains from the experience. To the audience Carol Weston invited anyone with questions to contact her. For up to date happenings in the RepubliCAN party please like us on Facebook. Or contact us at RepubliCANof

Friday, March 8, 2013

The White is Playing with Childhood Memories

The White House took a $1 million dollar hit because of budget cuts. $1 million dollars is all that is standing between the citizens of this country and being able to visit the White House.

Currently the White House spends the following on 'essentials'

  1. $100,000 for a dog trainer
  2. $300,000 for three calligraphers

The White House budget amounts to $500 million a year. Of this the tours is budgeted at $4.3 million. The cuts as a result of the sequester amount to $350,000 - $50,00 less than the cost of the dog trainer and three calligraphers.

To put it into perspective. The Capitol Visitors Center is taking a $2 million dollar hit. The Capitol though continues to offer visits despite these cuts. Are these cuts really a result of the sequester or are they a way for the White House to politicize the cuts resulting from the sequester? Think of it this way. What will impact the American public react to more? Cuts on aid to such countries like Egypt, Pakistan or the Sudan? Or stopping visits to the White House?

Cuts to countries will have little or no media impact on the public. Not very dramatic. Yet on the other hand – limiting or eliminating visits to the White House will. That has media impact. I remember going as a kid to visit the White House - it has a lasting impression. President Obama has decided to deprive the children of this nation of a potentially life long memory – because of the sequester. President Obama will tell us that closure of the White House is a result of the Republicans.

Let the President know that you are upset by the fact that visits to the White House are being eliminated. Is it more important for the President to continue his Golf outings then for our children to be able to visit the White House - let us remember that the White House is our house. It is self serving of the President to cancel visits to the White House. It is also the President playing politics and trying to force his oppositions hand. Let him know you are not happy.

The President can be emailed here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What can we do for Our Country

John Kennedy January 20, 1961

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Barack Obama

"Ask what your country can do for you; not what you can do for your country."


In essence the State of the Union address last night 02-12-2013 was about what your country can and will do for you. Not what you should be doing for your country. The United States is able to do many things - but it does not have a bottomless pit of resources to give out to its citizens or the world. We have to handle our limited resources as best as we can. Our government does not have the ability to distribute the limited resources available better than the free market.

For more information please contact us at or like us on Facebook for up to date information on the RepubliCAN party in Maine.

Bruce Poliguin speaks at the Knox County Republican Party Meeting

Bruce Poliquin was the guest speaker at tonight’s Knox County Republican Party meeting. He focused on the budget battle and what we as a state are up against in trying to balance the states books.

Although things are better than they were four years or even two years ago. We are not out of the woods yet and still have major problems ahead to tackle. Bruce told the crowd of listeners that Maine for this budget still has a shortfall of $100 million that needs to be closed. It was explained how this was going to be accomplished.

Bruce explained how the Federal Government is borrowing for $16 trillion dollars. While the interest now is low it now consumes 40% of what we borrow. The worry is what will happen when those rates start to rise. This will affect Maine and how the state will be able to handle its budget. Because when rates rise for the Federal Government the services that will be squeezed out will be passed along to the states. Maine which is in a budget crisis as a result of spending beyond our means will have to make drastic cuts in order to balance what it spends with what is taken in.

For the next budgetary cycle starting mid July 2013 and running to July 2015 the state is facing a $800 million shortfall. How do we close this gap – where are the problems. Some of the areas that Bruce talked about were uncomfortable but needed to be addressed.
  1. Medicare is a huge problem. Federal reimbursement to the state is only $0.63 this is down from $0.73. Payments still have to be maintained to Hospitals. The state has balanced this portion of the budget in the past by not paying what was owed. To date the state owes for $480 million to the states hospitals.
  2. Revenue sharing will be reduced to 0% for this two year period (currently at 3.5%). There has been a 123% increase in property tax and it is expected there will be further rises. The state has no money for this program and towns have become dependent on this money to cover shortfalls. The money is drying up for the state and as a result money is drying up for towns from the state.
  3. School budgets are closely related to revenue sharing and represents a huge portion of any towns budget. Instead of looking for cost efficiencies towns will often vote on increasing budgets. Yet it was pointed out that budgets do not have to be passed all because they have been proposed. Bruce and members of the audience related stories of voting against budget increases. It requires grassroots action to do this. It was also recommended that we ask our superintendent of schools if they are purchasing insurance independently as example.

The point of these examples is that in the past we spent more than we took in.  That the state relied on creative accounting to push off to the future what it could not pay for today. That we relied on Federal stimulus money to help cover other debts and program expansions. That creative accounting and stimulus money has either gone away or dried up and the state is faced with some hard decisions. It has only been recently that Augusta has had a backbone in trying to accomplish this difficult task. There is going to be huge debates on the budget in the up coming weeks. The legislature is going to try and kill tax breaks as a way to counter the hard choices the Governor is suggesting. It is agreed that everyone is going to be affected but how the citizens will be impacted is going to depend on how the budget is passed. The Governor is trying to pass it so that it will have a minimal of impact on everyone. The worry is that special interest groups will start to carve out areas to protect so that in the end the burden will fall on fewer and fewer people. Let your representative know that it is time to get our house in order and work with the Governor.

For more information please contact us at or for up to date information like us on Facebook.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I was channeling Republican Mitt Romney – Obama is quoted – or was he?

At a campaign speech given at Kent State University on Wednesday September 26, 2012 President Obama was quoted as saying that he was in favor of outsourcing US jobs. It was quickly stated that the President had misspoke. Or did he?

The fact that the President's policies of higher taxation and regulation, of Obama care and blocking aspects of energy production is forcing the exportation of US jobs. Exactly what he had accused Romney of doing.
Take the following outsourcing examples:
  1. Fisker – the electric-car company was to use part of its $529 million federal stimulus loan guarantee to build a manufacturing facility. This facility was going to create and support 500 or so jobs. The plant was built in Finland instead of in Delaware.
  2. GM who is owned by the US taxpayer is required to share the taxpayer-subsidized technology it has created with our competitors in China. This is considered the cost of doing business with China.
  3. GM has also agreed to giving the technology that goes into every Cadillac to its competitor and partner in China
  4. China was allowed to place a 30% tariff on excavators made by Caterpillar and other US heavy equipment manufacturers. This forced these companies to build plants in China. Part of the cost was giving away the technology behind the machinery.

Since 2010 the US has been exporting an estimated 30,000 middle class jobs to China and other countries - per month.  Is it any wonder that we – as a nation – have seen the disintegration of middle class families? The policies that Obama supports is making it more expensive for US firms to do business in the US. Other nations are more than willing to take those jobs from us.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Restored Payroll Tax Pinches Those Who Earn the Least

At the beginning of  2013 when I received my first paycheck of the year it was less than what I had been receiving. I expected this and I was making about the same as I was before my change of rolls at my job. It was okay because I want to do my part. About a week later I learned that beginning with that payroll I had received a pay raise. What was originally estimated as a $30.00 or so increase in tax per pay period now came out to almost $60.00. Like the people interviewed for the following article - I too have had to cut back. Going out once a month can no longer happen. I walk to work so that I don't have to fill up and I try and make due with less. For this sacrifice the federal government gets more of my money and the local businesses get less. Then again the feds can better spend my hard earned money - not really.

New York Times

Jack Andrews and his wife no longer enjoy what they call date night, their once-a-month outing to the movies and a steak dinner at Logan’s Roadhouse in Augusta, Ga. In Harlem, Eddie Phillips’s life insurance payment will have to wait a few more weeks. And Jessica Price is buying cheaper food near her home in Orlando, Fla., even though she worries it may not be as healthy.

Like millions of other Americans, they are feeling the bite from the sharp increase in payroll taxes that took effect at the beginning of January. There are growing signs that the broader economy is suffering, too.

Chain-store sales have weakened over the course of the month. And two surveys released last week suggested that consumer confidence was eroding, especially among lower-income Americans.

While these data points are preliminary — more detailed statistics on retail sales and other trends will not be available until later this month — at street level, the pain from the expiration of a two-percentage-point break in Social Security taxes in 2011 and 2012 is plain to see.

Full story: New York Times

Knox County Republicans to meet Feb. 12 2013 at 7 pm

Rockland — The Knox County Republicans announce that Bruce Poliquin will be the evening’s speaker. Newly-elected Chairman Bob Carter will also be presenting exciting new plans for the coming year.

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. A social hour will take place beginning at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Trade Winds on the top floor in downtown Rockland.

All Knox County Republicans are welcome and urged to attend.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Where Not to Die In 2013

It is nice to know that Maine is part of an exclusive club of hitting your estate up after you die.

Yahoo! News

Think you don’t have to worry about estate taxes because of the new generous federal estate tax law? Not so, for families in 21 states and the District of Columbia where separate state levies are still a big concern. “For the vast majority of people who are wealthy, the fear factor of the federal estate tax is gone, but many still need to focus on state estate and inheritance taxes,” says Martin Shenkman, an estate lawyer in Paramus, N.J.

Full story: Yahoo! News

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You disagree with the Budget... What would you do?

The budget touches all of us in the state. Is it fair that we ask those that work hard to pay more for services they may not be able to take advantage of? Is it fair to ask those that truly need help to say that we have to take away from them? In both cases the answer is no and yes at the same time. Maine is at a crossroads where the state cannot afford the entitlements and expenses that were funded in the past. At the same time it is unfair to ask those that are struggling to balance their family budgets for more and dig deeper. What is right? As a tax payer I fully expect to do my share to help make sure the state remains solvent. I am not thrilled with the idea of having even more of my paycheck taken away, but I know for the long term it is the right thing to do. I will sacrifice for the greater good. As I am making changes to my life so that others can be helped – I would also expect that those that are being helped by my labor will also reduce their dependence on the state. The burden should be carried by everyone.

There are many in state government that realize Maine has to do something. Governor LePage has submitted a budget and while it is not perfect he is trying to live within Maine's means. There are some hard choices that had to be made – right or wrong – but at least he is willing to put them out there. His opposition – and they are loud and vocal – have come down hard on LePage for what he is proposing. They are doing so without offering palatable solutions to the budgetary problems we are all facing. They are bringing nothing to the table and as a result they are playing it safe. Unwilling to suggest what will be hard to swallow for them it is easier to let others suggest ideas that will be controversial. Those that are taking the risk of working with the Governor should be commended for doing so. They are looking to the future of Maine and the long term goals we should have. RepubliCAN of Maine challenges those to come up with something – or shut up – because your hot air is doing nothing productive.