Monday, December 16, 2013

Saturday Night Live: A Series of Unfortunate Events – for Obama


The following is an adress of the President of the United States – the controvery surrounding the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Feeling like Lemony Snicket and a Series of Unfortunate Events. Michelle Obama was upset. Shaking hands with the Cuban President and finally there was the sign language interpreter…….

SNL does a great job.

The video: NBC

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tax Free Zone Proposed for Washington County


An initiative proposed by Maine Heritage Policy Center and being evaluated by Gov. Paul LePage's administration is calling for a tax free zone in Maine's poorest county - Washington county. Where residents and businesses would stop paying not only state income taxes but any sales tax. This would go on until economic conditions reached a state wide average. This level would have to maintain for three years.

Maine Heritage Policy Center sees this as having the potential for an economic boom for the area and for the state. There are detractors both in Washington county and the state that say the county is pulling itself up by its bootstraps now and that there is alternative motives behind the recommendations. That Maine Heritage is looking out for big business and not the common person.

The idea is that the tax burden that Mainers bear overall is preventing economic development where it matters most. By correcting where the economics is worse in the state it will only benefit the state as a whole. This program would expand from Washington county to Aroostook county when Aroostook moves into last place. This would continue to spread to other counties so that eventually the whole state would be a tax free haven.

There are many - the article points out - that feel the economy in Washington county is rebuilding itself because of grassroots efforts by local businesses and government. This off of a very limited economy that relies on land, wood, fishing, blueberries and the arts to name a few.

Some of the detractors state that buying $50 in clothing at the store would only save $3 in sales tax but it will not do much for the average citizen over any amount of time.

RepubliCAN of Maine would take exception with this statement. Any relief should be welcomed and what is being proposed goes beyond just the relief one would get from everyday purchases at the store. In the poorest county of the state the extra money in the pocket can be put back into the local economy or personal savings. It does not stop there. What the article does not expand on is the fact that local residents will no longer be paying state income taxes. Creating a tax free zone that would benefit not only those living within Washington county but also those in New Brunswick Canada, and surrounding counties of Maine to purchase goods and services tax free. In other words the effect would be far reaching beyond just Washington county. With an increase of sales to current businesses will bring an influx of businesses and jobs to the area offering Washington county a diversity and variety of services that it has not seen in its long history.

Will a tax free zone solve all of the problems facing Washington county... probably not. It will offer opportunity to the area that could potentially uplift the area and offer a diversity and stability not currently seen. What does Washington county have to loose from this experiment - nothing but taxes and that can only be seen as a good thing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Gov Paul LePage - Maine Receives Good News

Business Insider magazine declared Maine’s economy as “booming” on Friday following the release of new Federal data. Maine’s economy is doing better than any other state in New England and better than most of the nation measured over the last three months.

Ten days ago newly released unemployment rate figures indicate Maine has its lowest rate of unemployment since 2008. The jobs picture is continuing to improve.

Governor LePage announced Maine employers would see a full $30 million of savings that can be put back into the state’s economy because raising employment was lowing unemployment tax insurance rates to their lowest levels since 2009.

Maine’s economy is improving because of the pro-jobs reforms instituted by Governor LePage.

The first three years of private-sector job growth under Governor LePage were the best three years Maine has had in over a decade.

These achievements are remarkable when you think about the fact that under Governor Baldacci for some time Maine had a higher unemployment rate than the national average.

Now we must deliver this news to the people of Maine.

People complain the only news they get on the Governor is negative.

It has become clear the only way to ensure the people of Maine hear this good news is for the Governor’s campaign to deliver it.

The campaign must deliver this good news, and more of the Governor’s positive accomplishments, directly to the voters.

The campaign faces a major deadline in just a few short days. The end of December is a campaign finance deadline.

To ensure the people of Maine can learn about these positive accomplishments is it critical the Governor’s campaign has the resources necessary to deliver the message.

If you believe cutting red tape is a better way to create jobs rather than regulations which go above and beyond the national average – then the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you.

If you believe cutting taxes encourages Maine people to spend more to grow the economy and incentivizes job creating businesses to move here and help Maine prosper – the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you.

If you believe private sector jobs, and small business growth, are more essential to a thriving economy as opposed to just increasing the size of government bureaucracy – the Governor’s campaign needs to hear from you..

Help get the message out. Support the Governor here today.

Thank you.


Brent Littlefield
Senior Political Adviser to the Governor

Thursday, December 5, 2013

International Jobs Come to Maine - Gov. Paul LePage

More jobs are coming to Maine as a result of climate change and the hard work that Gov. Paul LePage has done with an Icelandic shipping company. This is a huge win for the state because of its strategic location and is the only port of call for this international company - Eimskip. So important is the state that back in May the President Olafur Ragnar Grimmson of Iceland made a personal trip to Maine and spoke in South Portland about newly opened shipping lanes and how they would benefit Maine.

Gov, Paul LePage echoed those comments.

While the jobs are welcome to Maine - politics are creeping in to spoil what should be celebrated. Michael Michaud feels it is better to criticize Gov. LePage for a choice of words. Is Michaud really for people or politics? Gov LePage has been working for Maine - what has Michaud done for the state?

Actions Speak Louder than Words. Follow Gov LePage on Facebook.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Harry Reid staffers exempt from Obamacare exchanges

So while many government staffers are being asked by their bosses to sign up through the Obama exchanges - there are those who work for Senator Harry Reid who will be exempt from using the Obama exchanges. While it is true that our representatives have the option to exempt their staff - Senator Harry Reid is the only one... only one to exercise that right. GOP House Speaker John Boehner - a staunch opponent of Obama Care has directed his staff to sign up.

If the exchanges are good enough for the American public then it should be more than adequate for Federal employees - including Senator Harry Reid and his staff.


Washington (CNN) -- Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, one of Obamacare's architects and staunchest supporters, is also the only top congressional leader to exempt some of his staff from having to buy insurance through the law's new exchanges.

Reid is the exception among the other top congressional leaders. GOP House Speaker John Boehner, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have all directed their staffs to join the exchange, their aides said.

Full story and video: CNN

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is LePage waging 'war on poor' as Alfond claims? No he is not.

Big savings for Maine. Governor LePage's plan to move regional DHHS welfare and Labor offices together in South Portland will save Maine taxpayers $14 million. A job center will be placed in the same building as welfare - proving a direct link for people to move from welfare to work. Some like Senate President Justin Alfond are attacking these efforts to protect taxpayers and reform welfare. To prove how difficult the move may be for the poor - Senator Justin Alfond rode the Portland METRO for probably the first time ever to where the new DHHS will be.

The idea is not to rip the rug out from underneath a person in need. It is to give a hand up and not a hand out. The new site will house not only services for Maine's poorest but also resources for finding gainful employment. One stop shopping for those in need.

While Senator Justin Alfond would like Maine's public to believe the LePage administration is making things purposely harder for Maine's neediest. The fact is that Maine's tax payers have a right to fiscally responsible spending that LePage has brought during his time in office. LePage is not the monster that Democrats would like us to believe.

Portland METRO by the way has indicated they would "work with whatever happens". A METRO representative said there is plenty of time for the state to work out the perceived issues that Senator Alfond has raised.

Watch the video response by Gov. Paul LePage released on 12/03/2013

For up to date information on Governor Paul LePage find him on Facebook.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Federal Reserves - Gov Paul LePage has brought growth to Maine

The coincident indexes combine four state level indicators to summarize the current economic conditions as a single statistic. The four variables are nonfarm payroll employment, average hours worked in manufacturing, unemployment rate and wage and salary disbursements.

Maine was recently in the Red as were most states back in 2009 as can be seen in the Map below.

Since that time Maine has had a turn around. In 2010 Maine said enough of the economic policies of the past that had kept the state down. Governor Paul LePage was elected and the rest has been economic history. Having a businessman in office has helped the state thrive and Maine is one of the few states leading the nation with economic growth. Actions do Speak Louder than Words.

To find out more about Gov Paul LePage and the way he has been turning around the state - like him on Facebook or find him on the web at LePage2014.