Sunday, September 28, 2014

Planned Parenthood to Spend 500K in Support of Mike Michaud

Recently Maine has been assaulted by ads from Planned Parenthood (PAC) in support of Mike Michaud over Gov Paul LePage. Planned parenthood is planning on spending 500k to defeat the Governor. This is one of the most aggressive campaigns that Planned Parenthood has waged against a candidate in the state.

Why us it that Planned Parenthood support and want Mich Michaud so much. Is it because Mike is a better person? Or because of something else?

Our take is that Gov. Paul LePage has it right and Planned Parenthood is scared at the loss of funding. They look to Mike Michaud to reinstate the money that has been lost as much as supporting the reproductive rights of women. Planned Parenthood has been on the state and federal gravy train for years. They fear the loss associated with Gov Paul LePage. Our state is in no position where it can continue to support the policies that Planned Parenthood pushes on its clients. A vote for Gov. Paul LePage is a vote to keep more of your money in your pocket. A vote for Mike Michaud will mean opening up your checkbook for institutions and organizations like Planned Parenthood. To support policies that run against the ethics and morals that this country is based upon.

Do we want a career politician supporting special interests and funding their agendas. Or a politician that puts people first - that is putting our kids first? Supporting Gov. Paul LePage is supporting our kids.

For backup on the spending that Planned Parenthood is planning on spending:
2014-08-14 WABI - Planned Parenthood To Spend $500K In Maine Races

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