Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What do we know about District 49 Candidate Jeff Evangelos?

We know that Jeff likes a quote from Mark Twain “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything”. We know that Jeff likes the character Atticus Finch from the movie “To Kill a Mocking Bird” and that his favorite leaders are Dwight Eisenhower and John F Kennedy. Beyond that we really do not know all that much about this candidate running for District 49. Is this what makes a good candidate? I think voters would much rather know that a candidate will do something for them. Like education reforms, limiting government intervention and helping to promote new job growth to name a few of the concerns that voters are dealing with. There is no disputing that Jeff Evangelos has an impressive resume of accomplishments and had a business. As one supporter noted Jeff is a “wicked smart guy”. There is a concern as to what he stands for and if he has a clear understanding of what the current issues that are important. Is Jeff the candidate you should vote for? Well if you are a voter concerned with quotes, movie characters and nifty Red Sox or Patriots schedules - sure. Otherwise look to a candidate who actually stands for something.


  1. A few days ago I was able to see one of the mailings that allegedly "smears" Jeff. If quoting Jeff is a smear then I guess we are all guilty of doing that to each other. Part of politics is being able to roll with the punches. Is Jeff able to do that? I am sure this man is a great person - I am not sure he is cut out for politics though. He defined his character in Union - in my opinion. He appeared to be rude to some of the other candidates (and I am trying to down play his behavior). Again - is this someone who we want in Augusta?

  2. Bob Carter like him or not - he at least tells you where he stands. That is something that I can appreciate with a candidate. Then when elected there are no surprises. Jeff Evangelos on the other had is not clear as to where he really stands. We understand that the is smart, and has been involved with town government. Beyond that what do we know about this man who wants to go to Augusta? Bob Carter is a candidate with a backbone and integrity.

  3. I'll tell you who Jeff is. Jeff is someone who loves the State of Maine. That is why he lives there. He also loves the people of Maine, particularly the ones who work hard for a living, like The Lobstermen, and the small business owners. He also loves the Seniors and others unable to take care of themselves. I'll tell who Jeff does not like - hypocrites, liars, cheaters,and people who steal from the taxpayers for their own self aggrandizement. He also does not like Big Government and Big Business who ship jobs overseas and kill our tax base. Jeff is sick everytime he drives by the old factory that was leveled to the ground in Waldoboro. If the people in Knox County do not elect Jeff they are making a big mistake. Jeff is in politics because he loves the people and The State of Maine. He fought to keep taxes low for those getting squeezed by big government and he will continue to do those kind of things whether elected or not. Jeff hates waste and unnecessary frills that waste tax dollars and could be used to help the people and the County.
    I have known Jeff for almost 60 years, he will be 60 on November 1st and have never known him to cheat anyone at anything and to imply that he has no backbone or integrity is simply unfounded. He has never cheated me! Jeff is not a Carpetbagger from New York. Jeff grew up in New England worked hard on a farm through his early to late teen years, was an athlete in high school, and always a very hard worker. Our family moved to Western New York State in 1969 where Jeff lived for a short period of time until he transferred from Brockport University to the U of Maine in Orono in the early '70's. He couldn't wait to get back to Maine. You'll find no one better in the State of Maine than Jeff for this position. He will fight for the people of his district and he'll fight them tooth and nail. How do I know this, very simply, I am his 63 year old brother Mark who stayed in NY state. Don't make a mistake voting for Bob Carter or for the other canidate. Vote for Jeff that is if you want someone with intelligence, energy, gusto,fight,utmost integrity, and a love of Down East and its people. Don't make the mistake vote for Jeff.

    1. Mark - I want to thank you for posting a comment on your brother and in support of Jeff. It is appreciated as it offers a different perspective on the election. Again thank you.

      RepubliCAN of Maine
