Wednesday, October 31, 2012

District 94 candidate Tim Turner - a candidate for the people

If there is a race where change would benefit Maine it is the race in District 94. This race pits Rep. Terry Hayes vs. new comer Tim Turner. Terry Hayes is running for a forth term and it is clear that the focus she had in the past has been lost. Terry Hayes in our opinion has thrown the values she entered into her position with years ago, away. It is time for a fresh take, a fresh face in Augusta. Tim Turner offers values that are badly needed in Augusta. He has the interests of the people at hand. Terry? While Terry Hayes gives the appearance of working for the people in reality Terry Hayes appears to use her influential position for political and economic gain. Does Maine need more cronyism or is it time to retire Terry so that Maine can give new ideas and direction a chance to grow. Vote Republican, vote for change vote for our future - Support Tim Turner November 6.


  1. Tim is involved with the community and with the state. Although I am a democrat I will be voting for Tim this coming election. His opponent gives the appearance of doing things for the little guy. The reality is that the power she has gained from years in office has clouded her vision of what is good and just. It is time for a change in Augusta.

    1. Terry Hayes has lost sight of values other than her own. I will be giving Tim Turner my vote.

  2. I concur it is time for a change in our area, I support Tim in this election campaign, Terry has been serving her own self-interests way too long with Guardian Ad Litem issues. 25 years of public service as a State Trooper, Tim will do the job for us in Augusta.

    1. It seems that Terry Hayes is more interested in continuing her record in District 94. I am appalled in hearing that this person who I have given my trust is enriching her own pocket at the expense of me and others in her district. This is despicable from someone serving in public office.

  3. To follow Terry Hayes' activities as minority whip, you would think that everyone of her constituents in district 94 was a Guardian ad litem, like her. She uses her elected position to further the special interests of Guardians and her own GAL-related business. Time for a change.

    1. Over a year ago I had the opportunity to speak with Terry Hayes about Guardians ad litem. I mentioned a report that was done back in 2006 that pointed problems with the Guardian ad litem oversight. At the time she told me that the report only related to title 22 cases/ divorces - which was correct. She explained that the title 19 cases/ divorces was not covered in the report from 2006. At the time I did not realize that Terry Hayes was also a Guardian ad litem (GAL). I dropped the whole thing because I realized I was up against something much bigger than what I could handle. Terry did agree with me that things were a litte funny. Looking back I realize that Terry Hayes was only splitting hairs on the finding from this report. It appears that she is more concerned about lining her own pockets and promoting the interests of her GALs. As a Democrat I should vote for Terry - instead I am voting for Tim Turner because change needs to come to Augusta and I think Terry has lost sight of who she works for - the people and not special interests. District 94 deserves better than Terry Hayes..................
