Sunday, October 21, 2012

What is going on with Angus Kings Independence Wind?

 On Saturday in Bath after being introduced by Bruce Poloquin Charlie Summers spoke to a packed house at the Elks Lodge about what he sees are the issues we face as a state and a nation.

One of the concerns that Charlie spoke at length on was his opponent Angus King and his wind farm. Back in 2007 Angus King decided to take advantage of a law that he passed back in 1997 that would require utilities to generate 30% of their energy from “Green” sources. Wind being one of those sources. In 2007 Angus King founded his wind company called Independence Wind and from there the cronyism started.

We all know that the Obama administration has wasted hundreds of millions on “investments” in green energy development. Independence Wind was one of those companies that received this stimulus money. Few people in the state benefited from this money – and just under 500 people worked on this project – most for a few days to a few weeks. As if this were not bad enough Angus King went back to the Feds asking for more money and he got it to the tune of $33 million in “grants” which was for covering the cost of the loans Angus King and his company had. But why did this company need all of this money when they had on the books over $120 million? That is the question.

Listen to Angus King today and you do not hear about his wind company – he bailed out at the last moment – which Angus was quoted as saying was an “amazing coincidence”. Is this what Maine needs down in Washington or do we want someone who is honest and well respected. Who has integrity in what he has done with his personal and political life. Charlie Summers has an energy plan for Maine – that does not include lining his pockets with our money. Charlie Summers is a man for Maine in Washington.

To read more about Augus King and Independence Wind click here. For more information about Charlie Summers and the idea and values he stands for click here. Support Charlie Summers


  1. What has happened to that wind farm - is it doing anything? The posting about King and that farm is a real eye opener. How do these things happen. I will be giving my support to Charlie Summers I don't want someone like Mr King in office.
