Saturday, August 25, 2012

Give a man a fish and he is fed for a day. Teach a man to fish and he feeds himself for a lifetime.

In this current economic crisis neither Democrats nor Republicans can lay claim to being more sensitive to helping those families that have been impacted by the economics we all are dealing with. 
There is a difference though in the fundamental philosophy that each party has in giving out help. As Jon Cortney pointed out in Wells at the Rotary Club last week there is a need to help families find away off of assistance. To give the tools needed to create solutions in the future. The Republican party in Maine has been trying to break the gridlock the other party has had in government for years. Change is needed to bring in fresh ideas. This is true not only on the state level but with the Federal government.

Helping others is fine. It becomes a problem though when generations are raised to believe that this is the way life should be. People feel that they are entitled to the entitlements they are receiving not realizing where the money is coming from. The money is coming from you and I. The Republican party is trying to change this mind set. Making change to help Maine's families go from dependence to independence. It is time for change in Augusta and Washington. It is time for the party of independence – it is time for the Republicans.

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