Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Maine Political News August 15, 2012

We went to a meeting last night at the Knox County Republican Headquarters on Park Street in Rockland Maine. The parking lot was full and when we went inside we were greeted by Paula Sutton, an energetic lady who helps things run smoothly at meetings for Knox County Republicans and does much more. She introduced herself and had us sign in, showed us where the refreshments were, took an interest in what we said and how we could help the cause.

The meeting was chaired by Jan Dolcater, a likable man with real determination. Jan was proud to share the fact that the Knox County Republicans helped raise $40,000 for heating assistance for families in need in Knox County and he should be proud, that's quite a feat!

The crowd was fired up, we shared ideas and gathered email addresses to rally the troops for the just over 3 months until the November 6th election.

Here are the Knox County Republican Candidates and their contact information:

Charlie Summers for United States Senate. He is a Proven Leader for Maine and America.

Chris Rector for State Senate District 22 who is looking for re-election to continue his good work in overcoming the challenges still facing Maine today.

Les Fossel for State Senate who offers Solutions for a prosperous Maine.

Jon Courtney for Congress a small business owner who understands the challenges job creators face and is the Change Washington Needs.

Mike Collins for State Representative District 48 who wants to bring a different viewpoint to Augusta that represents the views of the working men and women who live in District 48.

Deb Sanderson for State Representative District 52 is seeking re-election to the Maine House of Representatives. She believes that Augusta works for the people of Maine - not the other way around.

Bob Carter for State Legislature wants to listen to your sound advice and new ideas. Join Bob in a Campaign for Maine's Future.

Carole Gartley for State Representative serving Camden Rockport. Carole is part of this community. A small business owner immersed in the community, Carole needs your vote. Visit Carole on Facebook.

For more information call the Knox County Republican Committee at (207) 594-5118

No matter who you choose to vote for, please vote on November 6th!

By Catherine Cooper


  1. daimon

    This is a great site. Will post more later.


    1. Thank you Daimon for your comment. It is appreciated.
