Thursday, January 17, 2013

You disagree with the Budget... What would you do?

The budget touches all of us in the state. Is it fair that we ask those that work hard to pay more for services they may not be able to take advantage of? Is it fair to ask those that truly need help to say that we have to take away from them? In both cases the answer is no and yes at the same time. Maine is at a crossroads where the state cannot afford the entitlements and expenses that were funded in the past. At the same time it is unfair to ask those that are struggling to balance their family budgets for more and dig deeper. What is right? As a tax payer I fully expect to do my share to help make sure the state remains solvent. I am not thrilled with the idea of having even more of my paycheck taken away, but I know for the long term it is the right thing to do. I will sacrifice for the greater good. As I am making changes to my life so that others can be helped – I would also expect that those that are being helped by my labor will also reduce their dependence on the state. The burden should be carried by everyone.

There are many in state government that realize Maine has to do something. Governor LePage has submitted a budget and while it is not perfect he is trying to live within Maine's means. There are some hard choices that had to be made – right or wrong – but at least he is willing to put them out there. His opposition – and they are loud and vocal – have come down hard on LePage for what he is proposing. They are doing so without offering palatable solutions to the budgetary problems we are all facing. They are bringing nothing to the table and as a result they are playing it safe. Unwilling to suggest what will be hard to swallow for them it is easier to let others suggest ideas that will be controversial. Those that are taking the risk of working with the Governor should be commended for doing so. They are looking to the future of Maine and the long term goals we should have. RepubliCAN of Maine challenges those to come up with something – or shut up – because your hot air is doing nothing productive.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that there are things in the budget that anyone would disagree with. That should be a give. What is upsetting is that the media are ripping this budget apart without a solution or even a part of a solution. In business I was always told that I can be a part of the problem or part of the solution. The media is part of the problem. If they want to help (which I doubt they want to do) they should criticize but then offer what they feel is a solution. Going back to the way things have been is not a solution either.
