Or is it too Right?
There are some that are suggesting that Republican's in general and more specifically in Maine should be more conservative. That Republicans have lost the values that are at the core foundation of the party. In addition Republican's are at a crossroads in selecting a new leader for the party. Charlie Webster in stepping down has opened up possibilities.
There is a very real need for Republican’s to embrace the future and the influence of social media on the voter. If the Republican party is to survive and grow - young voters will need to be groomed and courted. The use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Tumbler and Linkedin to name a few as a means to get the candidates message out. Updating the websites maintained by various county committees so that they have a slick and professional look. The information on these sites all need to be current. There is no greater turn off than to have outdated information. If the most recent information you have is from a year ago then you have lost the battle. Media needs to be kept current and fresh. Emails that target constituents in a personal way as opposed to generic mass mailings.
The Democrats manage to pull all of these points and more off. They have appealed to the old and young at heart. They get information out for support and do so weeks ahead of time. Not last minute. The Democrats market themselves as they party that cares and wants to help the individual, community, state or nation. Republicans have always been the party of change but recently the party has lost a bit of its groove.
If the party becomes more conservative as some would suggest there is the very real chance that moderate Republican's will defect. The goal should not be to narrow the focus of appeal but to broaden that appeal. To capture those that were lost in this past election cycle.
The Republican party is and always has been the party of aspiration. The Republicans are for the middle class and the upwardly mobile. It is the party of both blue and white collar workers, of race and creed. Conservative ideals and principles are good for every single voter. We encourage you to comment on what the party should do. Comment here or email us at RepubliCANofMe@gmail.com.