Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chris Rector State Senate - on voter misinformation

Dear Voter,

It is personally distressing to me that there has been more misinformation, half-truth and outright lying in this election campaign about my voting record and positions on issues than I could ever have imagined possible. I am disheartened to think this is the new direction of politics in Maine.

The ability to discuss issues in a frank and candid manner is very important, and I certainly don’t mind honest disagreement about policy. I do, however, object to misinformation being spread as truth by those who do not even make an effort to verify its veracity. I hope you’ll agree that this behavior represents the worst form of subversion of our election process. Voters deserve to be armed with the facts, not the rumors or lies that someone presents as facts. We all know better than this!

To begin, the statement that I am a rubber stamp for the LePage administration is simply false. I have supported the Governor’s policies when I believed they were appropriate and I have objected to them when I have disagreed. For example, I fought hard to overcome the Governor’s veto of the R&D Bond proposal that would help to power Maine’s economy into the future. And I objected to the advance of “right to work” legislation as a distraction from a focus on serious issues affecting the Maine Economy such as spending priorities, debt, taxation and regulations.

Early in this Administration with seven of my Senate Republican colleagues, I signed a letter to the Governor, and met with him, objecting to the tone and the style with which he presented his message. It was offensive to many and unproductive for Maine.

I am proud of my record of protecting Maine’s Environment, as evidenced by my endorsement by Maine Conservation Voters.

I am also proud of my support of the business community, and the recognition of that effort, I have received the endorsement of the National Federation of Independent Businesses. This stands as proof that Maine can certainly have a healthy environment and a strong economy.

I am proud of my support of education, including an increase in the current biennial budget of $62M to support K-12 public education that also helps to reduce property tax burdens back home.

And I am particularly proud of my record of reaching across the aisle to colleagues, evidenced by my endorsement by One Maine. Contrary to common belief, virtually all of the major initiatives in the 125th Legislature were supported by both parties. Legislative reforms of taxes, pensions, government regulations, small business and insurance reforms were all supported with bi-partisan votes in the Legislature. I am a leader of the effort to find common ground.

I have always taken my legislative responsibilities seriously. I have labored to represent the many diverse interests of my district and the best interests of the State of Maine. I am proud of my opportunity to be the Senator from Knox County and hope that I can return to that role in the126th legislature. Win or lose, I believe it is essential that voters have the truth about the many issues that have been circulated in a less than honest manner.

Please feel free to circulate this letter as you see fit to any who you think may not have all the facts, and please contact me directly if you have specific questions. I can be reached by e-mail at, or by telephone at 354-6571. Everyone deserves to be informed when they vote.

Sincerely,Christopher Rector
State Senator District 22,
Knox County


  1. Chris Rector has the best interest of the people here in the mid-coast area. His opponent on the other had should maybe consider retiring. As a person Chris Rector has integrity and concern for those that he serves in Augusta. Why change? Keep the experience and vote for independence not dependence. Vote for Chris Rector!

  2. Met Chris rector today in Rockland - It made me feel good that I voted for this man. I believe he stands for change.
