Silly question?
But her recent political antics certainly provoke much widespread puzzlement and confusion. Either Susan is badly out of step with the Republican Party, or many in the Republican Party are out of step with Susan. As a very troubling symptom of Senator Collins political "pivots", the very left-leaning Portland Press Herald has been keeping her front and center in the paper on an almost daily basis, as she gives various Republicans a "black eye". It has kept most Republicans very unhappy!
These days Republicans come in many different "political flavors. There are: conservative "Tea Partiers", Libertarians, Middle of the Road types, RINOs, and then there is Senator Susan Collins. Is she an Independent, or an-almost Democrat, or what?
In all fairness, Senator Collins has many years of admirable public service as a Maine Republican Senator. She used to be a fairly recognizable "middle of the road Republican", able to compromise on legislation when it seemed appropriate to get things done. This was compromise without "surrender" of core Republican principles. Now we are left wondering as she jumps ship on core Republican issues like Obamacare - repeal and replace. Senator Collins recently proposed a bill to rescind President Trump's decision to disallow transgender persons in the military. The president's decision recognized the difficulty of having a functional, combat ready military if there is an array of internal social turbulence.
Here in Maine, there is much Republican perplexity about Senator Collins "next political move". Will she run for Governor of Maine? On which party? Republican, Independent, or Democrat? When will she make known her decision? Some suggest it will happen within a month. There is considerable concern being privately expressed among some Republicans that a Collins run for Governor could be a "spoiler" for those Republicans who have already announced that they are in the gubernatorial race. The speculation is that, having offended Maine Republican leadership, and therefore damaging her her chances in the Republican primaries, that she might enter as an Independent candidate. As an Independent, with great name recognition and with constant press approval of her rebellions against the Republican party, she might scoop up supporters from among more liberal Republicans and from a large number of Democrats, who like her attacks on Republicanism.
The word in the street is that over the years, Collins has accumulated a huge "election war chest" and doesn't need any financial support from the Maine Republican party. Furthermore, it is being whispered behind closed doors that she is hinting at helping with financial support for Maine politicians seeking Maine or national political offices. Loyalty to Susan Collins is the 'quid pro quo'. The "Collins marketing pitch": Imagine a "Republican Governor for 8 years. Imagine a Republican majority in the Maine House and Senate. Imagine an all Republican congressional delegation.
Just "make nice" to Susan Collins in the primaries and it all could fall into place.
Has she "cooked her goose", as Gov LePage claims, or can she entice with "a chicken in every pot" for loyal candidates?
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