Saturday, October 15, 2016

Is This Election about Bad Manners and Being Politically Correct?

It's about the courage to focus on defeating the Democrats. It's about the courage to confront the oft-mentioned "educated suburban women" and say, this election is more important than gender sensitivities. It's about the need to fully recognize that you are voting for a president, a vice president and one or more lifetime "Supremes", who will rule (unobstructed) from the bench. It is the courage to recognize that bad manners and a vulgar mouth should NOT block the overwhelming need to end the economic, social and political devastations of the Obama reign in its proposed Hillary incarnation!

The myth that retreating this one and coming back in super strength in 4 years is crazier than voting for Donald Trump.  No one will vote for a whipped party or a party that is like a corpse risen from the grave!

Get over it!

RepubliCAN of Maine supports Donald Trump in his bid for President. He is not a career politician and as a result is not polished like Hillary Clinton.

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