Friday, September 19, 2014

Response to Dave Miramant Guest Column

To the Editor:

The recent guest column by Dave Miramant of Camden initially left me puzzled, as much of it was a diatribe against Governor Paul LePage. I momentarily wondered if Dave was running for governor against Paul LePage.

Further reading cleared things up, Dave Miramant thinks he is running against a partisan mirage of Governor LePage's record. Imagine that? Maybe he hasn't met his opponent Paula Sutton yet?

Miramant's comments: "...we can't take any more bullying and obstructionism of the present governor.." ; "..he has undone years of good environmental work and created more debt for our state.." ,are just remarkably twisted statements.

Granted it is obvious that Dave does not like Governor LePage, but lets be realistic about these specious claims.

The past legislative session saw about 2000 bills introduced, and the governor vetoed 180 of them. It is not obstructionism to veto bills, in fact it is usually the result of fiscal prudence, or the odor of legislative over-reach, that prompts a governor to fulfill his responsibilities of office and veto bad legislation.

Created more debt? Really Dave? Last budget numbers I saw (MEGOV) showed the state now has a surplus at fiscal year end, $39.1 million, and a balance in the general fund of $9.8 million.

When was the last time a Democrat governor in Maine put the brakes on overboard spending and waste,and helped the state to show a surplus?

Would it be too much for Dave Miramant to provide specifics of his environmental work "undone" claim. Isn't this just the perfect straw man?

Contrary to the claim, this administration has a very pro-active record trying to streamline and improve the efficiency of state agencies that deal with environmental matters.

In addition, the LePage administration overhauled the Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, changed the Land for Maine's Future charter to require the prioritization of acquiring deer wintering habitat, repealed the unnecessary 2009 saltwater fishing license mandate, and supported the creation of a fisheries tax credit to encourage private sector investment in fish hatcheries and docks.

No, Governor LePage isn't poisoning streams and dumping pollutants into rivers.

The drum beat about Medicaid expansion is truly absurd. Claiming that we ought to take federal money for three years to expand a program that already costs Maine $2.4 billion per year defies logic. As if after the 3 years of "free" federal money we will magically come up with the hundreds of millions in addition to current costs per year to cover the expansion.

Sorry Dave did not knock on my door when he was making his 10,000+ calls, as a former Democrat of 30+ years I'd have enjoyed listening to his pitch.

Paul Ackerman
Tenants Harbor,Maine
372-6204 - cell 712-5601

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