Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Obamacare: Praying That Hollywood Can Bring Success

Because there is such resistance to Obama care the White House is turning to Hollywood to help sell Nationalized Health Care to the American public. Why because this country's youth who are needed to balance off and offset America's mature population. So as a young person the White House is asking that you pay rates that are higher than the penalty. Really..... Is the White House being realistic or are they off base? You decide....


The Obama administration’s thirst to attract young Americans to the health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act, meant to bring coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, is well documented.

Because this demographic is cheap to insure, the Obama administration needs to convince young people to sign up for insurance on the superstore-like exchanges this October in order to balance out the older and sicker patients who are more likely to sign up for health insurance as soon as possible. The correspondingly larger insurance premiums paid by the young cover the big bills for the relatively small number of sick people. According to estimates made by the Obama administration, approximately 7 million people will sign up for coverage via the exchanges in 2014, and about 2.7 million of those enrollees need to be young, cheap-to-insure Americans for the system to work.

Full story: CheatSheet

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