Last month, at the Republicans monthly meeting at the Tradewinds Motor Inn in Rockland, I met Jim Kalloch for the first time. Now after having been writing for him and after voting for him, to meet him and listen to him was refreshing.
Sure, I knew all the important bullet points of his life: the military career spanning over 30 years in both the Marines and the Navy, returning to his hometown to start a small business, the contribution to serving the youth of this area as a Boy Scout leader and to help both the young students and the taxpayer by serving on the local school board.
But what I didn't know was what a funny and personable man Jim is until I sat in the meeting last month and heard him laugh, talk and share stories of the how and why he wants to run again after investing time and money in the November election.
The reasons were sincere and heartfelt. They included love of the area, the people and the belief, as many of us have, that Jim can make a difference, an improvement that we would all like to see.
The fact of the matter is Jim barely lost and that the winner, Democrat Elizabeth Dickerson left, leaving an open seat in the Maine House and that means someone needs to fill that seat.
Why not the man who came so close to winning the first time around? The man who served his country faithfully for over 30 years? The man who came home to serve his area in so many ways again, why not him?
The man is Jim Kalloch and he wants your vote on Tuesday March 10th 2015!
For up to date information on Jim Kalloch find him on Facebook.
Hear Jim Kalloch speaking out to his future constituents.